is Caiti’s signature 21 day intensive business course that includes:

💥 3 two hour coaching calls via zoom (recordings are sent day after)
💥 Printed workbook that includes curriculum involved in the program (homework is involved)
💥 Remote coaching access to me between calls (questions answered M-F 9 am to 5 PM, 24 hour comm. turn around)


During our first call, we cover MINDSET:

The first module is all about mindset and laying a firm foundation for your personal brand development. We dig deep to shed any limiting beliefs that keep us playing small in business and showing up online for our business. From there, we clarify your WHY, higher purpose, personal life vision (whatever you resonate the most with) This is the foundation of your personal brand. 


During our second call, we cover MARKETING

During our second call, we finish developing your personal brand with pillars and categories. Think of this like a tree: if your WHY was the roots (the foundation), the pillars of your brand are the branches. We also clarify categories within pillars, which I consider the “leaves” of the pillar branches. We dig deep to build your ideal clientele avatar; who is that dream client that you could replicate repeatedly? Who do you serve with your unique strengths and gifts? This is the person we are speaking to (marketing to) online.


During our last call....ACTION

This is where the magic happens! Now we can take action on social media by mirroring your personal brand development with your ideal clientele avatar. At this point, we have a multitude of on-brand content ideas that reflect your brand mission perfectly and speaks your dream client’s "love language" aka providing valuable content that your ideal clientele resonate with. Together we batch produce a month’s worth (or more) of social media content on sticky notes for you to grab and go!

 This strategy is tried and true, proven over and over:

1. Get clear on who you are and who you’re serving.

2. Develop your brand from the ground up.

3. Define the person you are meant to serve.

4. Create value-packed content based on material that is in alignment.



This course will serve you IF:

You are already consistently branding your business using social media 

You understand the way IG and FB work 

You are ready to commit to digging deep and doing the uncomfortable work necessary to clarify your brand mission

You understand that this course is meant to equip you with the tools to build your brand on social media yourself

You are ready to take action and commit to doing the work yourself after the course is completed